Emma Thompson on Body Image

Naked The Hague Emma Thompson
A frontal nude of Emma Thompson in the film has led the actress to criticise how society brainwashes women
In the film, in which she plays a widowed woman looking for straight sex, Emma Thompson, one of the most important actresses in the film industry, performs a frontal nude before a mirror that has monopolized the debate around the film. As a result of this controversy, the actress has decided to talk about the acceptance of her own body and the social pressure that women receive. “Me I can’t stand in front of a mirror like that. If I do, I always try to get belly, I turn on my side… I do something,” she starts. “No, I can’t just stand there. Why would he do something like that? It’s terrifying, but that’s the problem: women have been brainwashed all our lives into hating our bodiesThompson says.
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