Preparations (2)

Cover Vlam Magazine Naked The Hague

It’s Saturday, November 6, 2021.
This week an article about Naked Rotterdam was published in the ‘Vlam Magazine’, a magazine about relationships, intimacy and sexuality. At first sight it may not be a very logical place to read about Naked Rotterdam (my book is not about sex), but in this edition of the magazine there was special attention for ‘body positivity’ and that is of course our common denominator . It’s nice to see that such an article encourages people to participate in my project. I would like to thank the editors of Vlam Magazine for the opportunity to talk about my work.

Vlam Naked The Hague
Photos: Naked Rotterdam
Looking for a photography location

Since long before the summer holidays I have been looking for a suitable space for the photography of the project, unfortunately still without success. What I need is someone/a company that supports the purpose of this project and wants to contribute to its success and thus does not charge commercial rates, better still, no rent at all. 

Via 070Vastgoed I looked at various locations, including two empty churches. Those would be fine places in themselves, but one was (and remains for the time being) a corona test location, the other unfortunately was only available until March ’22. 
I trust that I will still find a good space in time. It was no different for the project in Rotterdam…

So what exactly are you looking for? 
In short, I am looking for a shed/workshop-like space.
Let’s take a look at the criteria: 


  • Available between January 2022 and July 2022 
    (somewhat flexible)
  • Depth: at least 10 meters,
    Width: at least 6 meters,
    Ceiling height: at least 3.5m
  • Water (WC), electricity and heating,
  • Can be used on weekends and evenings
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