Naked The Hague in the Haagse Straatnieuws #02

Haags Straatnieuws Naked The Hague

Vulnerable nudity against perfection’ is the message behind
Naked The Hague. Following in the footsteps of Rotterdam, photo –
grapher Leon Schröder (59) now people in The Hague who
want to expose themselves literally and figuratively. To show
what normal bodies look like. No Filters. From young to
Den Haag Nude – Den Haag in the nude

Naked The Hague at Omroep West – TV Nieuws

Omroep West Naked The Hague

For a news item at Omroep West, Leon Schröder was interviewed about his new project Naked The Hague. Naked The Hague is a photo project with the theme ‘body image.
THE HAGUE – Photographer Leon Schröder is looking for 250 residents of The Hague who want to pose naked for a new book. He is looking for all kind of people. ‘Bodies that do not meet the standard of perfection as we are imposed’, he explains. “We’ve become so insecure and unhappy with the way we look that we think we’re not normal.”

Naked The Hague at Radio West

West Wordt Wakker Naked The Hague

During the radio program ‘West Wordt Wakker’, presented by Tjeerd Spoor and Jorinda Teeuwen, Leon Schröder was interviewed about his new project Naked The Hague. Naked The Hague is a photo project with the theme ‘body image.