Here I am...

'Vulnerable and Real!'

What is Naked The Hague?

The reason

Photos from Naked New York

In 2017 I, Leon Schröder (59), realized the Naked Rotterdam project as part of my Masters in Photography. Naked Rotterdam was a tribute to the American artist Greg Friedler(1970 – 2015) who made Naked New York, Naked los Angeles, Naked London and Naked Las Vegas.

The concept of the Naked series revolves around identity. We have a public identity and a private identity. In the Naked books, each time the public, clothed portrait of a person is shown with the private, unclothed portrait next to it. Furthermore, the viewer reads the profession and age of that person. Naked Rotterdam made me realize how much the feeling of ‘not meeting the standard in appearance’ lives in our society and how many people are weighed down by that feeling. Social media plays an important, negative, role in this.

“Naked Rotterdam made me realize how much the feeling of ‘not meeting the standard in terms of appearance’ lives in our society.”

Leon Schröder
Leon Schröder

More information about Naked Rotterdam can be found elsewhere on this site and on the project site‘Naked Rotterdam’.

Because of the reactions that Naked Rotterdam has caused, I have decided to make Naked The Hague. Unlike the project in Rotterdam, Naked The Hague has a specific social goal, namely raising awareness about our body image.

Body Image Expertise

In this site you will also find posts from the blog of Emeritus Professor of Psychology Mrs Liesbeth Woertman. She obtained her PhD on the subject ‘Body image’, wrote the book ‘You are already beautiful’ and is the expert in the Netherlands in this area.
She writes about Naked Rotterdam:

“..this is about Being and not about having. We desperately need these images as a society because his photos bring us closer together and do not create a distance.”

I am very happy with her advice and support on this project.

Apart form prof. dr. Woertman’s article I have collected several links to relevant articles from magazines and newspapers. You can find those here.

Support from Healthcare

As a photographer and teacher, I am not a body image expert. That is why I have asked a number of mental health professionals to act as a sounding board and in case someone is looking for coaching or other professional help. I entered into a collaboration with psychosocial therapist Melissa Frieser from Plan Pelan, where she offers a non-binding aftercare conversation.

Incidentally, I, and all (amateur) photographers with me, do have a certain responsibility in this area. After all, we have the tools to “apply perfection” anywhere and everywhere. We must therefore only use them consciously and deliberately.

“Accepting your body as it is and not feeling positive or negative about it is of course also fine.”

My idea about body image is that you should strive for a healthy and well-groomed body. You don’t necessarily have to be happy with your body (#bodypositivity). Accepting your body as it is and not feeling positive or negative about it is of course also fine (#bodyneutrality). If you are unhappy with your body, then of course you should do something about it. Unfortunately, this turns out to be reality for a large group of people.

The Naked the Hague exhibition and publication of the book (October 2022) are a way to reach a wider audience and also include non tech-savy people.

Donations via de (ANBI) Stichting Fotografie In Beeld

In order to realize the Naked The Hague project and to receive contributions from funds and donations, the Stichting Fotografie in Beeldwas recently established. The board members of the foundation do not receive any compensation for their work.

Vlog Aardig Onderweg Award

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Naked Rotterdam Participants

Motivation participants

Behind the scenes NR


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PLEASE NOTE: Given the composition of the current group of participants, I would prefer people registering from one or more of the following groups:

  • over 75 years of age,
  • younger than 25,
  • non-Western background,
  • The Hague roots,
  • bodyimage related reason to participate.