Naked The Hague teller

Register to participate

Naked The Hague

Wanted: 250 participants

For Naked The Hague I want to photograph about 250 people, clothed and naked. I talk extensively with each participant to get a good understanding of why they want to participate. I’m especially interested in hearing about your body image; what makes you (un)satisfied with your body? Has that always been the case?
The photos of everyone who has been photographed will be on display at the exhibition. A selection of photos from 100 participants will be used for the book.

Register & confirm

Thank you for wanting to participate! Fill in the form below and click on ‘send’. You will receive an email within a few minutes asking you to confirm your registration by clicking on a link in that email.
As soon as the available photography days are known and your registration has been confirmed, you will receive an email or text message with the invitation to choose a date and time that suits you. 1 hour is reserved for each participant.

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Naked Rotterdam IDTV

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Recommendations Naked The Hague:

Naked Rotterdam Participants

60 years

International Trucker

24 years


59 years


60 years


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