Preparations (1)

Bureau Naked The Hague
Team or no team?

From the moment I decided to start working with Naked The Hague, the ideas for the implementation piled up. It works for me in such a way that after a while I have piles of notes everywhere. All separate ideas that I hope to be able to make a strong whole in the long run.
I think the project website is the foundation with which I can bring all those loose thoughts and ideas together. Time will tell.

I think it is important that the project is a positive experience for all involved. It is then important that you have people around you who are good at what they do and at the same time can serve as a sounding board during the project.

I have a number of enthusiastic people around me that I would like to involve in an active role. I am thinking of someone who manages the social media channels and a photography assistant who helps on set. I believe that I should not expect anything from them as long as there is no reasonable compensation. Hopefully it will still be possible to find sponsors or donors so that their involvement can be official.

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